How to video conference YOU. MUST. READ. THIS.

Please note: the membership portion of the site and video conferencing are not operational at this time. Please do not sign up for a membership (unless you’re a hacker or bot in which case you’ve apparently found a way to create accounts without my permission that I can’t figure out, and please stop)

The only thing you can do now is donate (yay!) or submit a form with a suggested content change.


Mechanic. (not feeling very mechanical)

I am testing the conceptual framework of the PeaceMatrix™ system, and could definitely use some help.

I have attempted to set up a forum where people can engage in live video conferences for discussing aspect for the system and its applications, dialogue, communication, learning, understanding, growing, wisdom, and yes, peace. However, I don’t know if and when the system can be functional, even as a test-system.

My vision is an online community where people engage each other respectfully, learn, grow, win arguments, lose arguments, but overall connect with each other’s humanity.  People are human.  We will not always agree.  In fact, it is our strength of we do not, and explore ideas together and may the best ideas for humanity win the debate to protect humanity and its treasures. Please bear in mind the following when you engage.

We soon will have one or more 24/7 video conference rooms for each Active PeaceMatrix™, as well as scheduled Zoom conferences on specific topics for each.  As we start, please check in to 24/7 rooms on the hour to increase chances of finding discussion.  We will also have scheduled video conferencing sessions for aspects of each dispute. These are both open to Inner Circle and Small Council Members. Our discussion forums are organized by dispute but open to all Members. Our podcasts and videos are growing.

Please keep these in mind:

Please start and engage in intelligent, constructive discussions with your fellow human beings which the best parts of your heart can be proud of.

– Be diplomatic and respectful
– Be an ambassador
– Introduce yourself
– Show your face
– State your background and perspective
– Practice bringing the energy of a discussion to constructive
– Ask questions, ask more questions, and ask better questions
– Explore all sides and viewpoints
– Try to talk point for point and give the other person a chance to respond (listing numerous points may sound good, but they should be individually explored, or their connected theme should be explored)
– Listen to other people’s responses and viewpoints
– Try to speak for no longer than 30 seconds to one minute generally before allowing others to respond, and take turns
– Respond to others first, instead of just stating your own views
– Restate other people’s viewpoints to prove to yourself and them that you understand them
– State what is positive about others’ viewpoints
– Cite all points you agree on
– State how all sides view an issue instead of just your side
– If you can, present the best arguments for both/all sides before explaining your viewpoint
– Cite the differences between opinion and fact*
(hint: almost everything we hear and say is opinion) (and even facts and statistics can be misleading)
– Explore what could happen that would help all sides
– Imagine a world that is not zero sum game
– Identify PRECISELY where you disagree AND WHY
– Address ideas and facts – don’t attack people
– Try to learn as well as teach
– Try to involve everyone in the room and get their thoughts
– Stay on the topic of the room, whether broad or narrow
– Talk in positive terms instead of “how can we stop suffering”, to “how can we have more abundance and happiness?”
– When frustrated, take a break
– Do a self-check:  Am I angry? Fearful?  Emotional?  If yes, you probably are not thinking as your best, logical, rational, peaceful self. 
– Report inappropriate behavior, anything unlawful, problems, and harassers with a description of the person and what happened and I’ll brain them – the Architect. (read terms and conditions for details)
– Enjoy the process of growing
– If there is agreement, find the best question for the chain that progresses the analysis to the next level
– If there is disagreement, find the best question to understand WHY
– Phrase disputes in the form of a constructive question
– Submit changes and solutions to develop and grow the Peacematrix™

My dream is of people who intensely argue various sides of disputes, but deep inside learn to love each other as fellow human beings.


In sum:

R – Restate the other persons views respectfully

E – Explore all sides and viewpoints

S – aSk constructive questions 

P – be Precise about exactly where you disagree and why

E – It is Enough to speak for 30 – 60 seconds at a time

C – Cite the differences between opinion and fact (hint: almost everything is opinion)

T – Take turns speaking and listening 


Conversations may be informal, or may take on one of several formats

They may even switch back and forth, but you should be aware of the different dynamics, of which this is a basic introduction.

1 – Informal or casual discussion

This is simply a discussion between two or more people on a given topic without a specific or rigid structure or goal, other than engagement and greater understanding.

2 – Debate

In a debate, two or more parties which hold two or more opposing views make arguments as advocates for their side’s point of view, trying to convince others, and or third parties, that they are right.  This is adversarial, like a legal proceeding between lawyers on opposite sides.  There can be a judge, jury or audience who decide who has made the stronger case, and or a moderator who helps control, balance and advance the discussion.  Because the debaters here are not representatives and may not be fully knowledgeable, it is not knowable whether a lack of prevailing argument is due to lack of a better existing argument, or lack of its knowledge at present by the speaker.

3 – Mediation

A mediation is a discussion and negotiation between two sides who disagree to see if they can find common ground and one or more possible resolutions to the dispute.  In a real mediation, the parties have authority to decide on behalf of the parties to the dispute, and bind the party to any resolution.  The parties need not agree on anything, and there is no judge or jury to decide who is right.  Here, the speakers typically do not have authority to negotiate on behalf of the entire side, party, nation, or group, and so not have authority to bind them if an agreed-upon resolution is found.  So in that sense, it is a mock mediation, and a search for possible answers.

4 – PeaceMatrix™ Gameplay

PeaceMatrix™ is also a game some people play for points wherein players seek to add content and solutions to the PeaceMatrix™ in a constructive and competitive gameplay environment.  Gameplay is done by Zoom currently.  Players play by engaging in debate, and citing the new  improvements in the PeaceMatrix™ by node coordinates (A1a, etc.), developing them as an individual or team, and submitting them for scoring.  A successful addition to the PeaceMatrix™ diagram results in 1 or more points for that player or team.  The Architect is the judge who decides whether a suggestion warrants inclusion in a PeaceMatrix™ and therefore deserves points.   If the Architect is on the call during gameplay, the Architect can make decisions on the spot about points.  If not, then scoring must be done by paid submission.  Expensive game?  Maybe, but someone just bought a car for a million dollars, so no.  Peace is priceless.  Right now, it only works for Small Council members who can submit 20 improvements included with their membership.