Donate to humanity and world peace

The PeaceMatrix™ seeks to revolutionize humanity’s ability to work together to solve our most complex disputes and challenges to protect peace and further our humanity. Developing this system and exploring its potential will require a lot of work, but what better dream to aim for?

If you are willing to donate and volunteer your time, skills, and abilities, whether minutes or hours, we appreciate it, and we could certainly use it.

We need all types of help, including:

  • If you are an expert, writer, podcaster, part of an organization or otherwise knowledgeable, please consider taking part in a podcast, and contact us.
  • Videos promoting this website and its ideas – please make and send to us.  We will be holding a contest and rewarding the winner(s).
  • We need links to our website from your blogs, posts, social media. Become an affiliate by hovering and clicking on the affiliate link from this page and earn 10% of fees.
  • Share our content and social media posts and tell your friends about us.
  • If you have technological ideas and solutions, please send us your suggestions and proposals
  • If you or someone you know is knowledgeable in any relevant field(s), and would like to take part in discussions and advancing the analysis toward peace building, please let us know your credentials, skills and experience.

Donate by credit card or donate Ether

You can donate money or ether, or contact us.

– to the PeaceMatrix™ as a whole, to help development and promotion of our entire project.

– to the development of one or more specific PeaceMatrixes™ that you care about.

– to sponsor Small Council Memberships for experts of your choice or our choice for any specific PeaceMatrix™ or all PeaceMatrixes™.


Donate Ether to this Ether address:


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