Armed conflict and ideological war neutralization strategy, PeaceMatrix™, Entitativity, and 10th man devil’s advocate consulting

Welcome to PeaceMatrix™ – possibly the world’s most advanced system for peace-building, conflict neutralizing, and successful resolution of global armed conflict and security consulting.

The next generation understandings of the PeaceMatrix™ and PeaceMatrix™ Entitatvity theory may one day represent the end of war amongst all mankind.

What is the PeaceMatrix™? The PeaceMatrix™ is a modeling system that guides creation of a geometric diagram of every scenario and viewpoint of any military or ideological conflict between nations, tribes, cultures, religions, political factions, or ideologies, and serves as a drawing board to communicate, collaborate, and resolve the conflict. It is an organized geometric debate. The PeaceMatrix™ maps the conflict’s outstanding questions in a living, growing puzzle combining psychology, philosophy, history, domestic and international law, geometry, human nature, neurochemistry, and metaphysics. It extracts and hyper-organizes all the best ideas, so when we solve the puzzle, the underlying conflict is solved. We use one puzzle, to solve another puzzle. No more war.

What is PeaceMatrix™ Entitativity theory and analysis? PeaceMatrix™ Entitativity theory is the next level of understanding of all military and ideological conflicts in order to solve them. Currently, humanity misunderstands most wars, why wars happen, how to avoid them, and how to resolve them. Wars are not caused by soldiers, individuals, nor even leaders. Wars are caused by ideological collective hive minds. These ideological collectives polarize around unanswered questions, and cause their human adherents to become irrational and make mistakes that result in escalations and conflict. Each side believes they are defending themselves from a worse threat in the other, missing opportunities for resolution, while the ideological entity gains power from the conflict.

Services offered:

Custom PeaceMatrix™ strategy and solution development and mediation for your conflict.    

Custom Entitativity analysis and strategy development.

“10th man” devil’s advocate outside-the-box consulting and strategy development  for conflict neutralization and resolution.