Armed and ideological conflict resolution consulting, 10th man devil’s advocate strategy consulting, conflict mediation for peace building, dispute negotiation and resolution

PeaceMatrix™  may be the world’s most powerful strategy development system for armed and ideological conflict resolution and peace-building  

Developed by its architect Daniel Ben Abraham, the PeaceMatrix™ proprietary dispute resolution system is the world’s best ongoing, real-time, interactive tool for understanding, resolving, and winning conflicts.

While the PeaceMatrix™ system is still in development, Daniel Ben Abraham is available for hire for conflict and dispute negotiations and resolution, mediation, conflict modeling and mapping, and peace-building services. 

The PeaceMatrix™ is not merely an illustrative conflict mapping process, but a complete solution-development system. Its development process dissects conflicts to extrapolate any and all possible solutions to prevent or resolve any conflict, and win any war without fighting.

The PeaceMatrix™ gives us the ability to find, develop, and continually improve all possible solutions over time in an ongoing, growing, conflict-map system. With the PeaceMatrix™’s 26 categories and custom development process, the solution(s) to every conflict on earth between groups is contained within the system.

Daniel Ben Abraham is offering services, including:
  • Consulting for strategically preventing, ending, and winning armed conflicts 
  • 10th man devil’s advocate consulting and strategic conflict analysis
  • Consulting and mediation for international disputes and conflicts  
  • Conflict mapping and consulting for peace-building and dispute resolution
Types of conflicts and disputes this system may help resolve include:
  • Armed conflicts, between any groups, hot wars, cold wars, brewing wars and civil wars
  • Water, land, energy and resource rights mediation
  • Fishing, lake water, river, stream and coastal access rights versus government regulation mediation
  • Hunting and animal herding rights and dispute mediation
  • Tribal, religious, and cultural rights agreements
  • Access to religious sites and institutions, prayer, visitation and maintenance disputes
  • Construction, land development, and building projects versus cultural right
  • Heritage, cultural and burial site rights and development
  • Financial relationships with organizations and ethnic groups
  • Scientific and artistic disputes with cultural implications
  • Tribal control over trade routes
  • Tax and tariff rights of local communities
  • Rights of indigenous peoples regarding building, construction, modernization and globalization
  • Immigration, visitation, and tourism dispute mediation
  • Cross-border dispute and trespass mediation
  • Mediation between tribes and tribal, religious, national, cultural and ethnic groups, and local or national governments
  • Rights to forest preservation
  • Farming and agricultural land rights mediation
  • Toxic exposure, pollution, and environmental harm mediation
  • International armed conflict mediation
  • Diplomacy facilitation private mediation services
  • Cross-national political dispute mediation
  • International organization membership terms mediations
  • International defense contractor mediation services
  • Government to government mediation service
  • Armed conflict and border dispute negotiation and consulting services
  • International political and military relations mediations
  • Climate change grants, funding dispute mediation
  • Multi party mediation involving multiple groups, governments, and organizations

Why 10th man devil’s advocate outside the box idea consulting for conflicts? 

Daniel Ben Abraham’s work focuses on his own “Entitativity theory”, which is the analysis of collective hive mind dynamics in causing and maintaining global conflicts. These may extend from the collective adherents to a radial ideology in a terrorist group, to the group-think mentality of a members of global security treaty. Such analysis allows strategists and policymakers to be able to step out of the bubble, to accurately see the other side, their own side, and “neutral” third parties.

Why hire PeaceMatrix™ conflict consulting to address ethnic, cultural, religious, ideological, national, and political conflicts and disputes?

The PeaceMatrix™ system, through its Architect Daniel Ben Abraham, helps parties see new perspectives of the conflict, which empower parties to explore new avenues for reducing the conflict, and working towards desirable outcomes. A PeaceMatrix™ conflict map of the dispute developed custom for the party or parties can then be used to help aid communication, negotiations, strategy, and solution development. The Architect helps guide a party or parties by examining positions and goals across the 26 conflict map categories of human interaction of the PeaceMatrix™ system, giving a superhuman perspective or any conflict.

The PeaceMatrix™ analyzes the dispute according to 26 question categories addressing all areas of the human experience in which disputes lie with far broader and more outside-the-box perspectives than most experts and analysts. Modeling can also be aided by the parties’ representative(s) and expert(s) to enhance the process. The diagram functions as a learning tool, teaching tool, debate, negotiation, mediation, peace building and solution organization system in one. By building the diagram, the parties are guided to explore each other’s positions on a number of key issues, and work to develop questions to answer together. Through these questions, the parties are guided to address and resolve their outstanding issues.

Why address a dispute using the PeaceMatrix™ system?

There are many different types of consultants, experts, negotiators, mediators, mediation companies, and dispute settlement services for helping resolve national, ethnic and cultural disputes, religious disputes, tribal, neighborhood, community, legal, political and cultural disputes. Often times, the perspectives of internal parties are tainted, and will lead to conflict unless outside perspectives are examined.

Many times, the territories of the dispute will have their own laws, legal, or political systems for addressing a dispute. PeaceMatrix™ mediation, dispute resolution, peace building and other developed solutions take a new and different approach, able to resolve disputes where others failed. The dispute resolution process, categories, and questions help the parties see all sides, all perspectives of the dispute, as well as look for new opportunities in these key areas where all conflicts exist. It allows the parties to propose and examine new ideas and solutions, including cultural, ideological, legal and moral perspectives, communication challenges, definitional challenges, as well as historic interpretations and cultural text interpretations, among others.  Consulting can be for a fixed period, or ongoing and developing as long as necessary to help resolve the dispute and build peace.

International dispute resolution, consulting, conflict resolution, mediation, and peace-building services

Peace-builder and conflict negotiator Daniel Ben Abraham is a practicing attorney for 18 years, and separately offers conflict resolution services as an international mediator, peace-builder, consultant and/or negotiator to advise parties, offer solutions, and resolve disputes worldwide. Daniel Ben Abraham has a Juris Doctorate with a Specialization in Public International Law, has studied under a former U.N. Ambassador, and has resolved countless complex disputes in negotiations, including for hundreds of represented parties as an advocate in mediation. Daniel Ben Abraham is the inventor of the PeaceMatrix™ dispute settlement system, and also offers personalized international mediation and third party neutral dispute resolution services worldwide. He author of the book The PeaceMatrix™ Volume One, on his invention for a new type of global peace-building system, available at, and has a blog on the Times of Israel. PeaceMatrix™ services are outside and separate from his role as an attorney.

If you are looking for solutions to a conflict through mediation, peace-building, negotiations, conflict mapping, and dispute resolution services to help find solutions for conflicts between international ethnic, cultural, religious, national, political, and ideological groups, or are interested in hiring the PeaceMatrix™ and Daniel Ben Abraham as a peace negotiator, conflict resolution consultant, mediation neutral, or dispute settlement process administrator for your dispute please use the contact information to the right →

The PeaceMatrix™ is a system of dispute resolution designed to address conflicts between groups, meaning conflicts between nations, tribes, cultures, religions, ethnicities, ideological and political groups. Dispute resolution services apply the PeaceMatrix™ conflict mapping system to help mediate, build understanding, and/or seek solutions for disputes large and small between any number of parties. While the PeaceMatrix™ is ultimately intended for high-technology implementation on a global scale, currently in its initial stages the system is also available for custom manual mediation, group communication, and dispute resolution services guided by its developer, Daniel Ben Abraham.

What are the benefits of mediation?

In mediation, two or more parties are helped to seek agreement on issues of dispute or enhance their relationship through guided negotiations assisted by a neutral third party. PeaceMatrix™ mediations are facilitated by international mediator Daniel Ben Abraham, using his unique PeaceMatrix™ peace-building system.

The mediation and peace-building process facilities or enhances other forms of communication, including:

  • Diplomacy

  • Politics

  • Executive leadership

  • Debate forums

  • News media

  • Social media

  • Informative websites

  • Books and other written materials

  • Research papers

  • Moderated discussion forums

  • Blogs

  • Educational institutions

  • Local and domestic law, tribal and religious law

  • Non-government organizations

  • The United Nations

  • International dispute resolution systems, and,

  • International law and its courts, bodies and systems

  • More on PeaceMatrix™ conflict mapping and modeling 

The PeaceMatrix™ services by Daniel Ben Abraham are the only services available to utilize the PeaceMatrix™ system, which is protected by copyright, trademark, patent pending, and trade secret law. The PeaceMatrix™ has a unique system for circumventing impasses that obstruct other peace deals and conflict resolutions, leaving no stone unturned in the search for solutions. Because the PeaceMatrix™ can allow seeing aspects of conflicts not visible otherwise, there are many means of implementing solutions. In addition to mediation, PeaceMatrix™ consulting can utilize the PeaceMatrix™ conflict mapping system to build models to help any party seek peace solutions, as well as communicate aspects of a conflict and its solutions to others.

  • Common goal-setting

Often times, the parties who come to mediation will have to maintain a relationship afterward. For this, it is ideal that communication, mutually-acceptable goals are set for the future. The mediation process can help reach agreement for and set those goals to foster peace.

  • Communication building

Many times, the parties are unable to achieve peace because they do not have effective communication systems. part of the process here is to seek out additional means and methods of communicating and connecting the parties or their leadership, to enhance the information amongst and between the parties to facilitate peace.

  • Culture building

Peace can be developed in a number of ways, allowing the parties work together to build a new moral and cultural framework of mutual respect, coexistence, and cooperation. The system has the ability to go beyond conflict mapping to solution mapping.

  • Shared moral framework building

The PeaceMatrix™ process can also help the parties find new moral principals to share, so they can together work toward common goals from the same perspective of right and wrong.

What types of domestic and international disputes can be helped?

Ethnic, religious, racial, national, and tribal dispute resolution and mediator services

In religious disputes, the parties are concerned with a spiritual or higher power, or deeper meaning of life than simply the material world. Yet, the matter often involves the material world in some way. In ethnic, racial, and tribal group matters, the fabric of the parties is deep within the fibers of their being. Yet still, through open-minded and effective dialogue, there can be progress made.

Cultural and group rights dispute resolution

Cultural and group rights may involve certain artifacts, territorial rights, ceremonial rights, or other valuable interests. When these conflict, it is up to an effective mediator to help resolve the dispute by leading the parties toward their shared goals. This involves working with group leaders, representatives, experts in various areas, including historical and archeological, and also governments, government agencies, lawyers, courts, and organizations both domestic and abroad.

Inter-tribal and Intra-tribal negotiations and dispute resolution

Tribes often share fundamental aspects of life, land, resources, and also opportunities. Being able to work through differences and find better ways to coexist and cooperate is important for the well-being and progress of all involved. Often times there are opportunities for resolution and advancement that the parties merely need to be able to envision, to be able to work towards.

Negotiations between local ethnic, tribal and cultural groups, organizations and governments

Sometimes tribal and ethnic groups need to work with and cooperate with governments and government agencies to effectively resolve problems and challenges to improve the lives of their people. This process of communication and cooperation can be greatly facilitated by a mediator able to find and address the key issues.

Agreements, solution and policy development for international, local, ethnic, tribal, cultural, religious, political, racial and ideological groups and organizations

When the parties have an agreement in principle, it needs to be clarified, developed, and documented so that the parties can be clear in their intent, and plans for moving forward in cooperation. Such plans and agreements need to be carefully drafted in order to address current and potential future issues. Sometimes there are implications that require government agencies, non governmental organizations, or other international and domestic bodies’ involvement to be most effective.

Process of PeaceMatrix™ international dispute settlement system:

When one or more parties hire the PeaceMatrix™ to help address or resolve a conflict, the following will occur.

  1. One or more parties may provide written descriptions of the dispute and goals to the Architect.
  2. Parties and the Architect may work together to define parameters for the process, which may be reduced to a written agreement describing the process to be engaged in, and the rules for proceeding.
  3. Payment terms are discussed and agreed-to. If one or more parties do not have the necessary funds, there are many governments, donors, and organizations who may assist in financing such a worthy cause as peace and dispute resolution.
  4. The Architect will work with one or more parties, sometimes together, sometimes individually, to help map out and resolve the dispute elements toward a solution framework.
  5. Better understanding and potential solutions are developed within the system. Because of the process, improvement can be made through increased understandings even if no ultimate final detailed peace resolution is reached immediately, allowing the parties to reconsidered and build on progress made.
  6. If appropriate, the solutions can be written out in an agreement, memorandum, other guiding text, set of rules, description of future plans, or even a cultural framework of shared values moving forward.

When the parties understand the conflict map parameters, the conflict mapping and peace-building process begins. A conflict map is built, and can continue to be grown and developed as an ongoing process until resolution is achieved.

Frequently asked questions

  • Are mediation determinations binding? No. The process works to explore greater understanding of the problem from all perspectives looking at all possible solutions. The parties and their leaders are always free to accept or reject any solution in whole or part.
  • In what language do discussions take place?

Because of the mediator’s role, all discussions must take place in English, or translated to English. If you do not speak English fluently, you must arrange for translators and interpreters to be part of the process.

  • How much does it cost?

Mediation, negotiation, and peace-building process costs start at approximately $10,000 USD per week per PeaceMatrix™. Costs may be shared evenly between the parties, two or more. This is a small price to pay rather than each side spending more continuing the conflict. There are many people with an interest in resolution who may be able to spend money no better way than to help foster understanding and peace for their community who may donate, grant, loan, or contribute to the parties to help pay for PeaceMatrix™ services.

  • What if parties do not have the funds?

Mediation and other conflict resolution services that helps bring the parties closer to peace is worth the price. If you do not have funds, you may contact and apply to a number of organizations, international bodies, and government agencies who may grant or support such costs to fund the mediation.

For example: