What is the PeaceMatrix™?

The PeaceMatrix™ is a revolutionary new global peace-building system designed to resolve disputes between nations, tribes, cultures, religions, political groups, or ideological viewpoints.  It is a peace-building system between groups invented by the first ever Architect of the first ever PeaceMatrix™, Daniel Ben Abraham.

Each PeaceMatrix™ is an ongoing and continuous growing geometric diagram that maps out an entire dispute by its key outstanding questions with a set of rules for its development, guided by the Architect. It is a continuously growing learning tool, debate system, mediation system, peace-building system, and solution organization system in one, organized by the diagram. The PeaceMatrix™ turns mankind’s biggest problems into an interactive puzzle the whole world can collaborate on solving, for the betterment of all mankind, now being tested here.

What is the goal of each PeaceMatrix™?

The goal of each PeaceMatrix™ is to map out the entire dispute so it is understandable to all viewpoints, and then to build acceptable common solutions, culture, communication systems, and values to supersedes the divisions, along with with the systems to maintain it.

How do I read a PeaceMatrix™ map?

Organized left to right, the first column categorizes the elements of the dispute by 26 “Starting Questions”, A-Z. From the next column on, each square asks the best question(s) or hypotheses in order of importance to answer the next level up question, ultimately to best solve the goal of the PeaceMatrix™. Square are designated: A1a1.1.1.1.

How can the PeaceMatrix™ website help build world peace?

The PeaceMatrix™ allows people from all over the world to come together and engage each other in dialogue to discuss the biggest problems and challenges facing all of us. It welcomes students, teachers, business people, business leaders, members of organizations, think tanks, problem-solvers, the next generation, experts, authors, journalists, former politicians diplomats and statesmen, bloggers, influencers, and podcasters, hobbyists, peacemakers, and ordinary people who wish to discuss, debate, and understand these topics  and bring us closer to understanding and peace.  It is an opportunity to engage others across an ideological divide without the shouting matches that do not advance the discussion. The goal is to make diplomacy cool, mediation cool, and peace-building cool, for humanity, and all generations to follow.

How and why does the PeaceMatrix™ work? 

Einstein said you cannot solve problems with the same thinking that caused them. Today, some of our global problems are so complex that a new system of problem-solving is needed. The PeaceMatrix™ allows people to “grasp” an entire dispute that is otherwise too complex, by breaking down the keys to its 26 essential elements. It is a map and a guide for engaging in constructive discussion and progressing towards solutions. Some problems cannot be solved without understanding the history, or cultural differences, or the conflicted meanings of basic terms. World leaders’ interests are often too political and ideological to explore the most viable solutions with an open mind, and most people with good ideas are unable to get involved in any meaningful way.  The PeaceMatrix™ intends to change all of this.

What is so special about this new system?

Never before has a system been developed for understanding an entire complex dispute from the biggest issues down, yet allow global identification and cooperation on the smallest details of a problem in a single system.  The PeaceMatrix™ system is based on numerous revolutionary new concepts, including:

  1. That an entire dispute can be mapped out visually with this this unique organization system to aid in its understanding and resolution.
  2. That global conflicts can be turned into an interactive puzzle that the whole world can collaborate on solving.
  3. The development of the approximately 26 categories of the human conflict experience and their process for understanding and solution development.
  4. That our focus today is mistakenly on the hot-button controversial day to day issues, not the underlying causes, and that a dispute can be organized differently to essentially solve a problem working backwards from the fundamentals instead.
  5. Geometric learning instead of linear, because we learn by asking questions.
  6. A centralized mediation, debate, learning, communication, and solution-organization tools in one visual system.
  7. The process of breaking down general categories continually by using this unique Socratic-type method.
  8. That this pragmatic, question-based format can break through the emotional barriers in human nature that prevent successful conflict resolution, and much more.
  9. A global multi-sided examination of ideas and debate between think tanks, organizations, authors and experts in search of better solutions.

Why is this needed?

Our politics and media focus on hot-button and inflammatory issues and are increasingly dividing us.  Until now, we lacked a modern dispute resolution system that could organize humanity around the constructive ideas and collaborate to solve many of our problems.  Politicians are unable to help, the media is lost, and 99% of the world is unable to get involved constructively.  The PeaceMatrix™ system allows people to collaborate better, to finally have the forum within which we can have a proper debate.

  1. It organizes and maps out a complete dispute so everyone can be on the same page.  There is no single place to see a complete representation of most world disputes in one model because they are generally too complex.
  2. It solves this complexity problem by organizing the dispute according to our proprietary patent-pending system.
  3. This system includes, first breaking down the dispute into the approximately 26 “Starting Questions”.   It seeks to properly understand the parties, the history, the terminology, the writings, the moralities, the goals, etc. solutions, and then continually break them down using our question-based socratic and organizational methods until solutions release themselves.
  4. The system seeks to represent every possible constructive viewpoint, and then completely analyze each viewpoint.   
  5. The system then channels ideas and solutions from this breakdown to the Solution Development Starting Question, “X”, to allow people to develop solutions building on top of each other’s work. 

Advantages over other systems

Instead of addressing assorted points of contention like every other dispute resolution system essentially in a vacuum, the PeaceMatrix™ is different.  It minimizes a conflict’s focus on unhelpful details and their emotional impact which plagues other systems.  Instead, it allows a scientific breakdown and understanding of complex disputes in better scope, diversity of viewpoint, and detail than any other system in existence, oral or written, in a structure that lends itself to identify the causes of all obstacles, and then channels ideas constructively towards resolving them.  The PeaceMatrix™ system may resolve or work around many of the problems and weaknesses with ways we currently address disputes, including:

  • Diplomacy
  • Negotiations
  • Media coverage
  • Blogs, social media, discussion groups
  • Politics
  • Books
  • NGOs
  • Articles
  • Research papers
  • International law
  • International systems of dispute resolution including international courts
  • The United Nations and other world peace and dispute resolution bodies and systems

…and yet the PeaceMatrix™ can become a tool used by all of them.  The PeaceMatrix™ can help create greater understanding of a dispute, or even go all the way to creating lasting peace.

In domestic civil law, if two people have a dispute, they can sue in court or arbitration, and a judge or jury decides upon a resolution, creating finality.  In domestic criminal law, crimes are prosecuted and a court determines a resolution. In the U.S., we have a Congress, a President, government agencies and courts to decide legal and factual questions between government members and politically.  However, many disputes between peoples in the world do not have such a system of resolution. There is no current model for an effective system of dispute resolution between peoples.  Most international law is non-binding.  A nation can typically withdraw from a treaty any time.  The U.N. can pass resolutions, but enforcing them is another matter entirely, and they may be passed by imperfect and misinformed representatives, negotiators, and diplomats.  Disputes between the peoples can often linger unresolved, fueled by media and politics.  Political disputes in nations may linger and grow for decades until they become conflicts. Here are some intended advantages of the PeaceMatrix™ over other systems. 

Other systems that address conflicts The PeaceMatrix™’s Advantages

Sometimes disputes between peoples can become so complex that they go on indefinitely.

The PeaceMatrix™ can analyze a complex dispute with broader scope and also more detail than any other system, going hundreds of levels deep if necessary.
Journalism is imperfect. Our legal system is an “adversarial” system, where each opposing side presents their strongest case, and the judge and jury decides who is right.  But when mainstream news media becomes adversarial and for-profit, and applies those tactics to the news, people receive the worst of the adversarial process and little to none of the moderating rules, legal ethics, or solutions, thereby continuing and inflaming problems. The PeaceMatrix™ utilizes the tools for resolution of the best of mediation, arbitration, litigation, negotiations, and other dispute resolution systems.  Instead of having an interest in stirring emotions, it is structured to neutralize emotions, and instead facilitate enhanced debate and pragmatism.




News media, pundits, politicians, diplomats, leaders, and experts become one-sided, get embedded in their viewpoints, interests and positions, and become unable to see the other side.


The PeaceMatrix™ balances views, presents multiple viewpoints necessary for wisdom, and dissects monolithic thinking.  This is similar to how the Hebrew Talmud (Jewish law) has conflicting opinions on the same page, and the American legal system has a court’s majority opinion and below it the dissenting opinion.
News media, pundits, politicians, diplomats, leaders, and experts often speak (and are covered in) in short, attention-getting sound-bytes.  Messages become simplified, and discussions resort to name calling without the ability to fact-check on the spot, or do so completely and objectively. The PeaceMatrix™ allows deep, lengthy, and complex analysis of the problem based on facts and reason, and any creative hypothesis or question.
Politicians sometimes have short term, election-cycle or other political interests separate from resolution (ie: to not let things look worse in the short term). The PeaceMatrix™ allows non-politicians to learn from it, and maybe contribute to a solution with non-political, long-term perspectives (in addition to being tool for politicians).
Politicians and decision-makers are often led by the journalists and media, who do not understand the problem or have wisdom. The PeaceMatrix™ keeps the dispute organized, allowing all aspects of it to be understood and developed simultaneously using all the wisdom and experience of the history of mankind.
Some people eventually learn to profit financially and politically from maintaining a dispute, or even inflaming it, to gain funding or political support. The PeaceMatrix™ identifies such adverse interests, examines them, and allows seeking of solutions to such obstacles.
News media is often sensationalist, disorganized, and does not have a constructive agenda, but first a profit motive.  They do not educate, but hand-pick sensationalist snippets for ratings. The PeaceMatrix™ is designed and intended to be constructive and solution-oriented.
Diplomats and negotiators are limited in ideas and resources, and can only go as long and as far as other diplomats and politicians are willing. A diplomatic team could never to try to map out in writing an entire conflict in every detail with unlimited time, resources, input, and from all sources of the peoples involved. No diplomatic effort could attempt to hash out and address every underlying issue to find the heart of complex disputes.  Often times, diplomacy and negotiations can work, but what about when they do not, and complex problems go on for decades?


The PeaceMatrix™ is not limited in these ways, but a continuous ongoing process with unlimited contributors.  Because it is written, it does not end where human frustrations, attention spans, mental blocks, and tiredness would “call it a day.”  It may be viewed as superhuman perspective and superhuman understanding.
Often times, our free speech system is broken, with many facts and views unable to be heard. The PeaceMatrix™ allows diverse information and viewpoints to be heard, understood, and added to.
Blogs and social media are too disorganized to be constructive. No written debate website has ever been constructed ambitious enough to try and examine the full scope of the dispute, nor tried to approach it with an understanding of what are the sub-elements of a dispute.



The PeaceMatrix™ organizes the full dispute strategically to allow grasping of the entire problem, and yet for everyone to focus on their area of greatest learning and or contribution with more specificity and detail than can ever be done on any current media.
Blogs and social media are full of trolls (people who use the forum as an opportunity to harass, for fame, or humor) The PeaceMatrix™ is managed by a moderator (or the system the moderator sets up) and only allows constructive content.
Much of the internet is written by people who do not have extensive knowledge, creating much unhelpful information to sift through.


The PeaceMatrix™ allows only constructive and useful content, accumulating the knowledge of all its contributors including specialists and experts, all building atop of one-another’s work.
Research articles and books are too obscure, too one-sided, too detailed, with too many useless pieces of information, organized unique to each writer, and lack the full scope of the dispute and opportunity for collaboration. The PeaceMatrix™ organizes and analyzes the entire dispute, and every idea when and as needed, in the proper context of the whole dispute, and allows global collaboration and contribution more comprehensively and more objectively than any book or article written by one person or even a team.
The masses of people affected by a problem are often sidelined – unable to know the problem’s full details, or get involved and help. The PeaceMatrix™ allows everyone to learn from it and maybe even contribute.  If diplomacy, politics, and negotiations works then fine, but if it does not, then the PeaceMatrix™ grows until it becomes more valuable than other efforts.
People tend to argue the same points repeatedly in different forums. The PeaceMatrix™ allows a central forum to address all issues related to a problem.
People focus on the wrong issues, unhelpful issues, issues too broadly defined to be helpful, or get diverted to unrelated topics. The PeaceMatrix™ focuses people’s attention on the actual details of the correct obstacles.
Arguments and debates address components of a large problem in a vacuum separately as to be unconstructive. Even when progress is made or a new step in the problem is reached, it often goes nowhere.


The PeaceMatrix™ frames all analysis and debate in the context and scope of the whole organized dispute, allowing all points of view and sides to be seen simultaneously, and add another brick to the solution, allowing progress forward.
Arguments and debates often descend to quibbling often emotionally.


The PeaceMatrix™ keeps them on an organized map to constructive goals, minimizing unconstructive emotions.
Debates often result in attacking the speaker. The PeaceMatrix™ allows criticism of content, attacking ideas, not people.
Books quickly become outdated.  Books are also linear, which is often not how people learn. The PeaceMatrix™ is up to date and continually being built. The PeaceMatrix™ allows question-based geometric learning.


Individual people come from specific mindsets, and have each only one or a few new ideas.  People with great knowledge tend to be more structured in their thinking and have less new ideas.  The world tends to consolidate power, and tends to be run by smooth-talking well-funded Alpha-males who rise to power by force or social or political or economic pressure, rather than geniuses, scientists, the analytical, the nerdy,  the introvert, the quiet but brilliant,



The PeaceMatrix™ allows potentially millions of people to contribute limitless ideas, not bound by the limitations of the experts, mindsets, or the cultures in which the problem exists.  The
PeaceMatrix™ allows the uncool geniuses, the scientists, the analytical, the nerdy,  the introvert, brilliant aspergers, the quiet but brilliant, and these other valuable members of our society who are excluded by our faulty systems to potentially contribute.
The United Nations and other bodies of international law can sometimes be inefficiently effective at resolving disputes.  They can sometimes become a bottleneck through which ideas between the peoples cannot flow.  An audience of a nation’s delegates can view a presentation by a member state which is logically, morally, and legally sound, and yet ignore those facts, laws, logic and reasoning, never to be repeated; and thereafter proceed or vote per ignorant viewpoints and biases. The PeaceMatrix™ allows the ideas to be flushed out for all those involved and all those who wish to be involved to have access to all the ideas, information, logic, reasoning, morals, values and ideas, learn from it, and contribute and build solutions with it.
Other learning and dispute resolution methods don’t have this structure. The combination of the starting questions, and the simple-to-complex flow from the general to the specific has an effect of channeling focus and creative energy, in the right direction.
Often times, the best ideas are too “outside the box”,  to unconventional, or crazy-sounding to be raised by respected diplomats and world leaders.  Many times, the outside the box creative thinkers and geniuses cannot even get into the room because they do not have the image, presentation or full range of qualities for the position. The PeaceMatrix™ allows all such ideas in, and such peoples to be able to contribute.




Are you against these other systems of politics, dispute resolution, communication  and problem-solving?

No.  In fact, I hope the PeaceMatrix™ will one day be a part of them all, assisting what works and replacing what does not.

What is the goal of the PeaceMatrix™ project?

The goal is to develop, test, improve and perfect this system, determine its capacity to solve major world problems, and then expand its application to make the world a better, safer, more peaceful place.

How can the PeaceMatrix™ ever become big and detailed enough to be useful? 

It is useful from the beginning, as it brings people on to the same page of the fundamentals of a problem before getting into the details.  Many on a side do not even know the basic facts and arguments of the other side, and less and less so social media allows us to surround ourselves with only our own viewpoints.  The PeaceMatrix™ leaves no constructive aspect of the problem off limits in its search of solutions.  Eventually, with the help of thousands or millions of participants around the world submitting their ideas and assistance (not to mention positive energy) PeaceMatrixes™ may grow to be so useful they become invaluable to teachers, diplomats, negotiators, students, journalists, and now anyone who wants to get involved and help.

What if one side’s leadership does not want to negotiate or use the system?

It doesn’t matter.  People involved in a conflict may no longer need the support of leadership who may be corrupt, inept, uninterested or alternatively interested, in order to collaborate on developing potential solutions.

What if nobody on a side wants to engage the system at all?

The system can potentially work with just one side building, developing, and testing solutions, even unilateral ones.

Why is this better than entrusting leaders of nations to keep the peace?

If that works, great. However, if disputes and conflicts persist, or threaten to worsen, and if this system can aid either the leadership or the people to make peace, it will serve a valuable purpose.  Also, this system can be used to anticipate potential future conflicts before they arise and build understanding and solutions now – there is no need to wait until civil wars and world wars break out to start trying to work toward solutions.

Why not have a committee or democratic/vote system to decide what content is added to a PeaceMatrix™?

We already have a social media where the most popular postings tend to rise to the top.  But, this may not be the most effective way of solving disputes, and we are exploring this system as an alternative or in addition to other systems. 

In most social media, often times it is emotional, misguided, troll, or humor that rises to the top of popularity contests, but not the most constructive solutions.  Also such content usually does not have the details to be helpful.  Other times internal algorithms that are biased themselves and or which you do not understand control which posts and comments rise to the top. 

We are testing a system that is new and different, and intended to be more constructive at solution finding than social media, and yet use input from the whole world as potential contributors.  The PeaceMatrix™ may have flaws, but different flaws than current systems.  We intend to create a system that is transparent, useful and constructive despite its flaws, while best minimizing its weaknesses.

How can the Architect avoid being biased?

The question is not whether the Architect is biased, but whether the system is more valuable than other systems even with human imperfection taken into account.  In fact, the question is whether a PeaceMatrix™ can aid other systems even with its imperfections.

Nobody in the world is completely unbiased, especially not someone who is interested in a topic.  However, corruption and bias can affect any individual, group, or organization.  For example, look at the scandals involving the Olympic Committee, various news media, or even the United Nations.  This is a reality, but the system is intended to work regardless biases of the Architect for the following reasons:

The PeaceMatrix™ seeks to include all constructive ideas and viewpoints.  Anyone who disagrees with an aspect of the system should ideally also see their viewpoint represented, broken down, and analyzed.

The PeaceMatrix™ does not seek to find one solution, but identify every possible solution.  it is not intended to be a judge or “decider” as much as to show the full debate and analysis, and allow all constructive viewpoints into the model.

If someone’s viewpoint is not represented, or is not properly represented, anyone can submit any suggested content; questions, fact checks, summaries, hypothesis, sources of information, etc..  Instead of criticizing the system for being biased, which any system can be, any constructive person can articulate exactly where and how a viewpoint is not represented, or can be improved, and seek to add it.  This ability to articulate exactly where and how a PeaceMatrix™ may be biased or incomplete is a substantial advantage over other systems which have no such constructive ability to articulate potential improvements.

By mapping out a dispute per this system, many points of contention are eliminated because people are mixing or combining two different subject matters.  By isolating the issues, bias is greatly reduced.

The system also intends to work with interactive forums such as discussion boards, blogs, and chats, to allow people to discuss and analyze the subject matters openly.

The system seeks to have different levels of participation, including teams, advisors, experts, and councils who work with the Architect to help improve the system as it develops.  As the system develops, there will be an examination of ways to allow merging with other PeaceMatrixes™ to expand the viewpoints and eliminate  “gaps” even further.

Even with an imperfect system, it still is intended to have tremendous advantages over other systems.

if all else fails, you can analyze any systemic imperfection you find in the discussion forums.

Why isn’t this more A.I. (Artificial intelligence) controlled or more high tech?

Young people these days want to believe technology is the solution for everything.  While it may sound like a fun idea to turn over control of the world to a computer, we have all seen The Terminator and know what happens.   While all technological aspects of improving the system are being explored, including A.I., the system is incredibly advanced in the realm of human problem organization and problem-solving systems.  The 26 categories are based on years of study of the elements of problems and solutions of all conflicts between all peoples, and the system is designed with all the things that go wrong with all other systems in mind.  It is hoped that the system becomes the most advanced peace-building system ever conceived, or at least a very valuable tool for communication and teaching that helps solve many problems.

How can I support this or get involved?

There are many ways for people to get involved and support this project, and I could really use the help and resources.

How can I submit an idea or content?

Please see the instructions on submitting content.

When will a PeaceMatrix™ be launched for my problem?

If you have a suggestion for a problem you think could be helped by a PeaceMatrix™ for which none is currently active, please send in a suggestion through our submission system.

Do you help resolve other disputes/work for hire? 

If you have a “closed system” problem and believe building a PeaceMatrix™ can help resolve it, please reach out to discuss the possibility of consulting and or mediation services using the system.

What legally protects the PeaceMatrix™ system?

The systems, processes and methods of the PeaceMatrix™ are proprietary and protected by intellectual property law globally including U.S. and international copyright law including all systems, categories, processes and content, trademark (the PeaceMatrix™ is a registered trademark) and patent law, with a patent pending on the system, process, methods, and its applications, domestically and internationally. In the future, we may consider licensing out the system or finding ways to bring greater involvement as the system develops, at our discretion.

Do you really think you’ll make world peace?  Isn’t war part of human nature?  Don’t people profit from conflicts?
Yes, but the PeaceMatrix™ can also organize people against other challenges, such as uniting people against hunger or disease, or for improving quality of life.  I am building, testing, and improving this system, and am asking for help in doing so.  I hope it brings world peace.  However, if I improve a system that furthers negotiations by only 50%, or advances learning and understanding part of the way, or becomes a tool used by teachers, diplomats, and negotiators, or helps as part of a solution to create a more peaceful world, it’ll be worth it.

Basics of website discussions (when available)

Welcome to 24×7 zoom debate on all major disputes guided by the PeaceMatrix™ global peace-building system.

  1. People take turns enjoying discussing relevant topics.
  2. Follow discussion rules (or Architect will brain you)
  3. As you discuss, find the most relevant square(s) in the PeaceMatrix™ diagram.
    (PeaceMatrix is read right left to right with Starting Questions in blue squares, or use “command” & “F” key to find any topic keyword.  Find in view mode, or click to zoom in interactive mode.)
  4. Interrupting the conversation is allowed when identifying the most relevant square(s).  Just start your sentence with the magic word “peacematrix square …” (and give coordinates).
    (If square is missing coordinates, name the Starting Question or “chain” (ie: “D”) and best available.  Also acceptable, “PeaceMatrix™ this is under culture/ wants/definitions/authorities/communication”, etc. 
  5. One you know the relevant or most relevant PeaceMatrix™ square to what you are discussing, try to find the best question to answer that question.  Then, do so for surrounding squares, and other squares.
    (Interruption allowed for proposing new squares/questions and peacematrix improvements)
    (You can also suggest any changes to the PeaceMatrix™. Anything can be moved or modified as long as it follows the PM development rules.)
  6. Try to use the content of your discussions to develop solution chains (K, O, U, X, and Y)
  7. Identify submittable suggested improvement content.  Obtain agreement if possible. Submit if you like.
  8. Continue discussion. 
  9. Detailed development guidelines here


How do I join the 24/7 live videoconferences? (when available)

1. Sign up for an Inner Circle or Small Council Membership HERE.  Inner Circle or Small Council Membership gets you unlimited 24/7 access (on good behavior ;))

2. Choose your PeaceMatrix™ topic by going to that non-member page and clicking on the videoconference image link by topic within the PeaceMatrix™ diagram (click once to open, and again on the rounded topic node with a link)

or simply go to the Member Portal –> Join Discussions Now, and choose a discussion from the Schedule & Calendar or the quick links.

A Zoom account is required.

What do I do if there is nobody in my conference?

The PeaceMatrix™ is new and it will take time to build a users base.  Even though conferences are pretty much 24/7, try going at the scheduled start time to increase your chances of finding more people on the conferences.  You can also try logging in every hour on the hour.  We have a page designed to indicate if others are in a conference currently, here.  You can also message others and post in the discussion forums about coordinating discussions until the user base grows.  Best yet, invite your friends.

I left one conference and now can’t join another, why?

Sometimes, for instance if you do not properly sign out, there is a delay of a minute or more before you can join another conference.

Why can’t I add a picture to my profile in the member portal (when available)?

Hit “crop.”

How do I see the PeaceMatrix™ bigger?

On a mac, it’s spreading two fingers on the trackpad.  Click the PeaceMatrix™ to turn it into interactive mode to enlarge.

How do I click on the discussions within a PeaceMatrix™?

You have to click twice, once on the screen to open up the application, and once again on the tiny link in the bottom right of the videoconferencing image or its node.  Clicking on “Join Discussions Now” from the top menu may be easier.

Why did the discussion end after 40 minutes with more than 2 people?

Currently many of the discussions are on free Zoom accounts due to our limited budget at the moment.  Please just logout and log back in.

How does the PeaceMatrix™ work?

1. Discussion  This is a participation website to allow people on different sides of a dispute to engage each other in live 24/7 videoconferences for constructive engagement, discussion, exchange of dialogue, ideas, learning, and diplomacy, for greater understanding and peace building. 

2. Building the PeaceMatrixes™  As the dialogue progresses in the videoconferencing and discussion forums, the ideas and possible solutions generated are examined and considered by users and considered for submission to be added to the PeaceMatrix™, to create new nodes and new topics of discussion. 

3. Developing the PeaceMatrix™ system  The PeaceMatrix™ system is not perfect yet.  By engaging engaging each other and the site, and submitting ideas on how to improve each PeaceMatrix™ and the PeaceMatrix™ system, you are helping develop the PeaceMatrix™ into its full potential as a global peace building system.

4. Podcasts and videos  The Architect conducts podcasts of current issues related to the dispute while discussing and analyzing possible additions to the PeaceMatrix™ and its solutions.

5. The PeaceMatrix™ game  The PeaceMatrix™ is also a game some people play for points wherein players seek to add content and solutions to the PeaceMatrix™ in a constructive and competitive gameplay environment.

6. PeaceMatrix™ for hire   A PeaceMatrix™ can also be custom-built as an international dispute resolution guide for a specific problem.  Please inquire within if you have a dispute that you seek help in mapping in a PeaceMatrix™ to help find solutions.


How does one play a game of PeaceMatrix™?

While the PeaceMatrix™ is a completely serious global peace building system, it is also a game.  The PeaceMatrix™ makes an interactive puzzle out of the process of finding peace solutions, and as such, some people may choose to play as a competitive game.  Gameplay is done by Zoom currently.

  1. Players take equal turns speaking in the conversation as with normal discussions.
  2. Each player speaking can propose a potential improvement to the PeaceMatrix™ diagram by node coordinates (A1a, etc.)
  3. Each player should write down their moves as proposed PeaceMatrix™ content changes.  At the end of the game session, each player should have several possible improvements to the PeaceMatrix™.
  4. Submit for scoring to Architect at end of game round.  Architect makes all final decisions.  Scoring and updates may take several days.  Then, the game continues.

Point scoring:

New content for a node = 1 point

Creation of a new node = 2 points

Improvement of existing node or content = 2 points

All points doubled for solution chains: K, O, U X, and Y

How to submit for scoring:

Each player should submit their moves for scoring as:

PeaceMatrix™ game Bob Joe Sally 5.7.2021 Bob’s suggestions…”
PeaceMatrix™ game Bob Joe Sally 5.7.2021. Joe’s suggestions…”

Architect will respond with point scores, update the PeaceMatrix™, and the game continues.  Expensive game?  Maybe, but someone just bought a car for a million dollars, so no.  Peace is priceless.  Small Council members can submit 20 improvements included with their membership, Educational institutions can submit 31, and bulk submissions can be purchased as a membership ad on.


Can I apply to be a moderator?
I am considering allowing Small Council and Educational Institution members to apply for the position of moderator of both discussion forums and videoconferences.   PeaceMatrix™ diagram content submissions are accepted including bulk submissions at regular rates.
Will you be moderating and mediating discussions?  