
2 Months for free then $20 / Month
Become a member!
Create and use Member profile, message other Members, Inner Circle and Small Council Members
View and post content in written discussion forums, create topics
Receive Member Newsletter
Extra Member content, as available (no access to live videoconferences and debates)
Submit proposed PeaceMatrix™ content changes (optional) for $99 each
(Sorry no videoconferencing participation access)
2 Months for free then $100 / Month
Sign up to be part of the PeaceMatrix™ Inner Circle!
All the benefits of a Member, plus:
Access to join and participate in all 24/7 and regularly-scheduled videoconference discussions and debates on all PeaceMatrixes™ (premier and podcasts by invite only)
If you want to submit suggested PeaceMatrix™ content changes (optional) - only $49 each 
(No commitment, cancel any time)
$499 / Month
Join the PeaceMatrix™ Small Council and be a bigger supporter
All the benefits of an Inner Circle Member, Plus:
More invites for participation in select premier discussions and podcasts (by invite only)
Apply to be a moderator of PeaceMatrix™ forums & videoconference discussions (per Architect discretion)
Your listing on one PeaceMatrix™ page as a Small Council Member with link
Your Twitter feed on one PeaceMatrix™ page
20 Submissions of suggested PeaceMatrix™ content changes per month included
(No commitment, cancel any time)
Educational Institutions
$499 / Month
For colleges, universities, law schools, high schools, and other programs of learning.
All the benefits of Small Council membership, plus:
Up to 50 students can take turns using the account, as determined by the educational institution
One PeaceMatrix™ content suggestion submission per day included with membership
Connect with other students all over the world, engage in discussions, debate, and PeaceMatrix™ development
Bulk Submissions
Upload suggested content change submissions 25 at a time in diagram form.
Available as an add-on to membership for additional content suggestions for Small Council and Educational Institutions Only
Must submit diagram and identify each suggested change
All suggested changes must be in the same PeaceMatrix™
Great for those seeking to engage in significant PeaceMatrix™ development and those playing PeaceMatrix™ The Game

For more details on memberships, click here